Répertoire du personnel administratif et enseignant

Gina Muckle

École de psychologie

Professeure titulaire

418 656-2131, poste 414666


Pavillon Félix-Antoine-Savard Local 1220

Après deux stages postdoctoraux, l’un en psychologie du développement à la Wayne State University (Détroit) et l’autre en santé environnementale au Centre de recherche du CHUQ, madame Muckle occupe un poste de professeure sous octroi au Département de médecine sociale et préventive de l’Université Laval pendant cinq ans avant d’être engagée à ce même titre à l’École de psychologie et d’y devenir en 2005 professeure régulière. Son domaine de spécialisation, la tératologie développementale et comportementale, intègre des concepts issus de l’épidémiologie et de la toxicologie et touche la santé des enfants et l’environnement. Les substances tératogènes auxquelles s’intéresse particulièrement madame Muckle sont l’alcool et les substances chimiques, comme les organochlorés, les pesticides, le mercure et le plomb, qui ont des effets sur le développement par contamination de la chaîne alimentaire. Elle s’intéresse également aux déterminants de la santé des Inuits. Madame Muckle a obtenu des subventions de recherche des IRSC, du FRSQ, du NIH, du ministère canadien des Affaires indiennes et du Nord et de Santé Canada. Elle a été membre du Comité aviseur de l’Institut du développement et de la santé des enfants et des adolescents des IRSC et du Groupe consultatif du défi visant à conseiller le gouvernement canadien relativement aux risques à la santé de substances chimiques visées par le Plan de gestion des produits chimiques. Madame Muckle est vice-doyenne aux études à la Faculté des sciences sociales depuis janvier 2016.

Projets de recherches subventionnés

Publications récentes

Braun, J.M., Li, N., Arbuckle, T., Dodds, L., Massarelli, I., Fraser, W., Lanphear, B. & Muckle, G. (2019). Association Between Gestational Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations and Adiposity in Young Children: The MIREC Study. Environmental Research, 172, 454–461. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2019.02.038.

Bernardo, B.A., Lanphear, B.P., Venners, S.A., Arbuckle, T.E., Braun, J.M., Muckle, G., Fraser, W.D. & McCandless, L.C. (2019). Assessing the Relation between Plasma PCB Concentrations and Elevated Autistic Behaviours using Bayesian Predictive Odds Ratios. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16, 457. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16030457.

Nguyen, T.V., Jutras, B., Monnier, P., Muckle, G., Vélez, M.P., Arbuckle, T. & Saint-Amour, D. (2019). Prenatal Masculinization of the Auditory System in Infants: The MIREC-ID Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 104, 33-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.02.015.

Li, N., Arbuckle, T. E., Muckle, G., Lanphear, B. P., Boivin, M., Chen, A. & Braun, J. M. (2019). Associations of cord blood leptin and adiponectin with children’s cognitive abilities. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 99, 257–264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.10.021.

Desrochers-Couture, M., Oulhote, Y., Arbuckle, T. E., Fraser, W. D., Séguin, J. R., Ouellet, E. & Muckle, G. (2018). Prenatal, concurrent, and sex-specific associations between blood lead concentrations and IQ in preschool Canadian children. Environment International, 121, 1235–1242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.10.043. 

Pepin, C., Muckle, G., Moisan, C., Forget-Dubois, N. & Riva, M. (2018). Household overcrowding and psychological distress among Nunavik Inuit adolescents: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 77(1), 1541395. https://doi.org/10.1080/22423982.2018.1541395.

Till, C., Green, R., Grundy, J. G., Hornung, R., Neufeld, R., Martinez-Mier, E. A., Muckle, G. & Lanphear, B. (2018). Community Water Fluoridation and Urinary Fluoride Concentrations in a National Sample of Pregnant Women in Canada. Environmental Health Perspectives, 126(10), 107001. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP3546.

Arbuckle, T. E., Agarwal, A., MacPherson, S. H., Fraser, W. D., Sathyanarayana, S., Ramsay, T., Muckle, G. & Monnier, P. (2018). Prenatal exposure to phthalates and phenols and infant endocrine-sensitive outcomes: The MIREC study. Environment International, 120, 572–583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.034.

Krzeczkowski, J. E., Boylan, K., Arbuckle, T. E., Dodds, L., Muckle, G., Fraser, W. & Van Lieshout, R. J. (2018). Neurodevelopment in 3–4 year old children exposed to maternal hyperglycemia or adiposity in utero. Early Human Development, 125, 8–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2018.08.005.

Adamou, T. Y., Riva, M., Muckle, G., Laouan-Sidi, E. A. & Ayotte, P. (2018). Socio-economic inequalities in blood mercury (Hg) and serum polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations among pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 109(5–6), 671–683. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-018-0077-y.

Dupont, C., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Séguin, J. R., Muckle, G., Simard, M.-N., Shapiro, G. D. & Lippé, S. (2018). The Predictive Value of Head Circumference Growth during the First Year of Life on Early Child Traits. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 9828. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28165-8.

Oulhote, Y., Tremblay, É., Arbuckle, T. E., Fraser, W. D., Lemelin, J., Séguin, J. R. & Muckle, G. (2018). Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and predisposition to frustration at 7 months: Results from the MIREC study. Environment International, 119, 79–88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.010.

Etzel, T., Muckle, G., Arbuckle, T. E., Fraser, W. D., Ouellet, E., Séguin, J. R. & Braun, J. M. (2018). Prenatal urinary triclosan concentrations and child neurobehavior. Environment International, 114, 152–159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.02.032.

Nguyen, T-V, Monnier, P., Muckle, G., Sathyanarayana, S., Ouellet, E., Velez, M., Doods, L. & Arbuckle, T. E. (2018). Androgenic and Estrogenic Indices in Human Newborns and Infants: The MIREC-ID Study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.

Etzel, T., Muckle, G., Arbuckle, T. E., Fraser, W. D., Ouellet, E., Séguin, J. R. & Braun, J. M. (2018). Prenatal urinary triclosan concentrations and child neurobehavior. Environment International, 114, 152–159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.02.032.

Balayla, J., Sheehy, O., Fraser, W. D., Séguin, J. R., Trasler, J., Monnier, P., MacLeod, A. A., Simard, M. N., Muckle, G. & Bérard, A. (2017). Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Assisted Reproductive TechnologiesObstetrics & Gynecology, 129(2), 265-272. doi : 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001837.

Braun, J. M., Muckle, G., Arbucke, T., Bouchard, M., Fraser, W. D., Ouellet, E., Séguin, J. R. & Lanphear, B. (2017). Associations of prenatal urinary bisphenol A concentrations with child behaviors and cognitive abilities. Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(6), doi.org/10.1289/EHP984.

Fortin, M., Muckle, G., Jacobson, S. W., Jacobson, J. L. & Bélanger, R. E. (2017). Alcohol use among Inuit pregnant women: Validity of alcohol ascertainment measures over time. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 64, 73–78. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ntt.2017.10.007.

Polevoy, C., Muckle, G., Séguin, J. R., Ouellet, E. & Saint-Amour, D. (2017). Similarities and differences between behavioral and electrophysiological visual acuity thresholds in healthy infants during the second half of the first year of lifeDocumenta Ophthalmologica. doi: 10.1007/s10633-017-9576-z.

St-Jean, A., Meziou, S., Roy, C., Ayotte, P., Muckle, G. & Lucas, M. (2017). Branched-chain and aromatic amino acids in relation to behavioral problems among young Inuit from Nunavik, Canada: a cohort study. Pediatric Research, 82(3), 416–422. http://doi.org/10.1038/pr.2017.115.

Shapiro, G. D., Séguin, J. R., Muckle, G., Monnier, P. & Fraser W. D. (2017). Previous pregnancy outcomes and subsequent pregnancy anxiety in a Quebec prospective cohortJournal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology38(2), 121-132. doi: 10.1080/0167482X.2016.1271979.

Thébault-Dagher, F., Herba, C. M., Séguin, J. R., Muckle, G., Lupien, S. J., Carmant, L. & Lippé, S. (2017). Age at first febrile seizure correlates with perinatal maternal emotional symptoms. Epilepsy Research, 135, 95–101. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2017.06.001.

Boucher, O., Chouinard-Leclaire, C., Muckle, G., Westerlund, A., Burden, M. J., Jacobson, S. W. & Jacobson, J. L. (2016). An ERP study of recognition memory for concrete and abstract pictures in school-aged childrenInternational Journal of Psychophysiology, 106, 106-114. PMID: 27329352. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2016.06.009.

Boucher, O., Muckle, G., Ayotte, P., Dewailly, E., Jacobson, S. W. & Jacobson, J. L. (2016). Altered fine motor function at school age in Inuit children exposed to PCBs, methylmercury, and leadEnvironment International95, 144-151. PMID: 27575364. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2016.08.010.

Chevrier, C., Warembourg, C., LeManer-Idrissi, G., Lacroix, A., Dardier, V., Le Sourn-Bissaoui, S., Rouget, F., Monfort, C., Gaudreau, E., Mercier, F., Glorennec, P., Muckle, G., Le Bot, B. & Cordier, S. (2016). Childhood exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and neurodevelopment at six years of age. Neurotoxicology54; 81-88.

Decaluwe, B., Poirier, M.-A. & Muckle, G. (2016). L’adoption coutumière chez les Inuit du Nunavik: ses spécificités et conséquences sur le développement de l’enfant. Enfances, Familles, Générations, 25. Retrieved from http://efg.revues.org/1101.

Fraser, W. D., Shapiro, G. D., Audibert, F., Dubois, L., Pasquier, J.-C., Julien, P., Bérard, A., Muckle, G. & Luo, Z.-C. (2016). 3D Cohort Study: The Integrated Research Network in Perinatology of Quebec and Eastern Ontario (IRNPQEO)Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 30(6), 623-632. doi: 10.1111/ppe.12320.

Moisan, C., Baril, C., Muckle, G. & Bélanger, R. E. (2016). Teen pregnancy in Inuit communities – gaps still needed to be filledInternational Journal of Circumpolar Health75, 31790. doi :10.3402/ijch.v75.31790.

Pirkle, C. M., Muckle, G. & Lemire, M. (2016). Managing mercury exposure in Northern Canadian communitiesCanadian Medical Association Journal188(14), 1015-1023 PMID: 27435478. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.151138.

Weihe, P., Bjerregaard, P., Bonefeld-Jorgensen, E., Dudarev, A., Halling, J., Hansen, S., Muckle, G. & Bergdahl, I. (2016). Overview of ongoing cohort and dietary studies in the ArcticInternational Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75:33803 doi: 10.3402/ijch.v75.33803.

Weihe, P., Debes, F., Halling, J., Petersen, M. S., Muckle, G., Odland, J. O. & Bonefeld-Jorgensen, E. (2016). Health effects associated with measured levels of contaminants in the ArcticInternational Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75:33805 doi: 10.3402/ijch.v75.33805.

Cordier, S., Bouquet, E., Warembourg, C., Massart, C., Rouget, F., Kadhel, P., Bataille, H., Monfort, C., Boucher, O., Muckle, G. & Multigner, L. (2015). Perinatal exposure to chlordecone, thyroid hormone status and neurodevelopment in infants: The Timoun cohort study in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Environmental Research, 138, 271-278.

Decaluwe, B., Jacobson, S. W., Poirier, M. A., Forget-Dubois, N., Jacobson, J. L. & Muckle, G. (2015). Impact of Inuit customary adoption on behavioral problems in school-age Inuit children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry85(3), 250-8. DOI: 10.1037/ort0000071. PMID: 26095406.

Ethier, A.-A., Muckle, G., Jacobson, S. W., Ayotte, P., Jacobson, J. L. & Saint-Amour, D. (2015). Assessing new dimensions of attentional functions in children prenatally exposed to environmental contaminants using an adapted Posner paradigm. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 51, 27-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.ntt.2015.07.005.

Fortin, M., Bélanger, R. E., Boucher, O. & Muckle, G. (2015). Temporal trends of alcohol and drug use among Inuit of Northern Quebec, Canada. International Journal Circumpolar Health, 16(74), 29146. PMID: 26689846.

Fortin, M., Muckle, G., Laouan Sidi, E. A., Jacobson, S. W, Jacobson, J. L. & Bélanger, E. R. (2015). Trajectories of alcohol use and binge drinking among pregnant Inuit women. Alcohol and Alcoholism. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv112.

Fortin, S., Jacobson, S. W., Gagnon, J., Forget-Dubois, N., Dionne, G., Jacobson, J. L. & Muckle, G. (2015). Socioeconomic and psychosocial adversity in Inuit mothers during the first postpartum year. Journal of Aboriginal Health, Summer.

Jacobson, J., Muckle, G., Ayotte, P. & Jacobson, S. (2015). Relation of Prenatal Exposure to Methylmercury from Environmental Sources to Childhood IQ. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123, 827-833. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1408554. PMID: 25757069.

Medehouenou, T. C., Ayotte, P., St-Jean, A., Meziou, S., Roy, C., Muckle, G. & Lucas, M. (2015). Overweight and Obesity Prevalence Among School-Aged Nunavik Inuit Children According to Three Body Mass Index Classification Systems. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57(1), 31-36. PMID: 26095406.

Ruiz-Castell, M., Muckle, G., Dewailly, É., Jacobson, J. L, Jacobson, S. W, Ayotte, P. & Riva, M. (2015). Household Crowding and Food Insecurity among Inuit Families with School Aged Children in the Canadian Arctic. American Journal of Public Health. 105(3), e122-32. PMID: 25602890.

Verner, M. A., Plusquellec, P., Desjardins, J. L., Cartier, C., Haddad, S., Ayotte, P., Dewailly, É. & Muckle, G. (2015). Prenatal and early-life polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) levels and behavior in Inuit preschoolers. Environment International, 78, 90-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint. 2015.02.004. PMID: 25796081.

Ayotte, P., Muckle, G. & Dewailly, É. (2014). Letter to editor: The metabolically healthy but obese phenotype is associated with lower plasma levels of persistent organic pollutants as compared to the metabolically abnormal obese phenotype. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 99(6). SSN online: 1945-7197. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2013-3935.

Boucher, O., Jacobson, J. L., Burden, M. J., Dewailly, E., Jacobson, S. W. & Muckle, G. (2014). Prenatal tobacco exposure and response inhibition in school-aged children: an ERP study. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 44, 81-88. PMID: 24946039.

Boucher, O., Muckle, G., Jacobson, J. L., Carter, R. C., Kaplan-Estrin, M., Ayotte, P., Dewailly, E. & Jacobson, S. W. (2014). Domain-Specific Effects of Prenatal Exposure to PCBs, Mercury, and Lead on Infant Cognition: Results from the Environmental Contaminants and Child Development Study in Nunavik. Environmental Health Perspectives122, 310-316.

Brisset, C., Leanza, Y., Rosenberg, E., Vissandjée, B., Kirmayer, L. J., Muckle, G., Xenocostas, S. & Laforce, H. (2014). Language barriers in mental health care: A survey of primary care practioners. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 16, 1238-1246. PMID: 24375384.

Cartier, C., Muckle, G., Jacobson, S. W., Jacobson, J. L., Dewailly, E., Ayotte, P., Chevrier, C. & Saint-Amour, D. (2014). Prenatal and 5-year p,p'-DDE exposures are associated with altered sensory processing in school-aged children in Nunavik: A visual evoked potential study. Neurotoxicology, 44, 8-16. PMID: 24812027.

Dallaire, R., Dewailly, É., Ayotte, P., Forget-Dubois, N., Jacobson, S. W., Jacobson. J. L. & Muckle, G. (2014). Growth in Inuit children exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls and lead during fetal development and childhood. Environmental Research, 14C, 17-23. PMID: 25042032.

Fortin, S., Jacobson, S. W., Gagnon, J., Forget-Dubois, N., Dionne, G., Jacobson, J. L. & Muckle, G. (2014). Socioeconomic and psychosocial adversity in Inuit mothers during the first postpartum year. Journal of Aboriginal Health.

Lemire, M., Kwan, M., Laouan-Sidi A. E., Muckle, G., Pirkle, C., Ayotte, P. & Dewailly, E. (2014). Local country food sources of methylmercury, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids in Nunavik, Northern Quebec. Science of Total Environments, S0048-9697(14), 1139-5. PMID: 25135671.

Pirkle, C. M., Lucas, M., Dallaire, R., Ayotte, P., Jacobson, J. L., Jacobson, S. W., Dewailly, E. & Muckle, G. (2014). Food insecurity and nutritional biomarkers in relation to stature in Inuit children from Nunavik. Can J Public Health, 105(4), 233-8. PMID: 25166123.

Chapitres de livres

Cordier, S., Muckle, G., Kadhel, P., Rouget, F., Castet, N., Dallaire, R. & Multigner, L. (2016) Chlordecone Impact on Pregnancy and Child Development in French West Indies (pp.177-188). In M.L. Jannoyer, P. Cattan, T. Woignier & F. Clostre (Eds.), Crisis Management of Chronic Pollution: Contaminated Soil and Human Health. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Weihe, P., Bonefeld-Jorgensen, E., Debes, F., Halling, J., Skaalum Petersen, M., Muckle, G. & Dudarev, A. (2015) Health effects associated with measured levels of contaminants in the Arctic. In Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (Eds.) AMAP Assessment 2015: Human Health in the Arctic (pp.77-98).Oslo, Norway: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP).

Krümmel, E-M., Gilman, A., Behe, C., Berner, J., Burbaker, M., Dudarev, A., Muckle, G. & Weihe, P. (2015) Risk communication. In Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (Eds.) AMAP Assessment 2015: Human Health in the Arctic (pp.111-125).Oslo, Norway: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP).


Ph. D. en psychologie, Université Laval

Intérêts de recherche

  • Déterminants de la santé et du bien-être des Inuit
  • Développement de l’enfant
  • Effets de l'exposition prénatale aux contaminants environnementaux et autres substances tératogènes sur le développement de l’enfant
  • Psychologie

Dans les médias

Financement en recherche

Deux subventions IRSC et une subvention du FRQS ont été obtenues par deux professeures en sciences sociales, soit Gina Muckle et Catherine Bégin de l'École de psychologie.


Subventions et bourses CRSH

Le Conseil de recherche en science humaines du Gouvernement du Canada dévoile les titulaires de subventions ou de bourses.
